
Empire Chem Dry Tri-Cities

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Empire Chem Dry Tri-Cities

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Empire Chem-Dry Carpet Cleaning features the most advanced cleaning technology in the carpet cleaning industry. Empire Chem-Dry Carpet Cleaning has been serving the following areas for over 20 years: Northeast & Southeast King County, including Auburn Covington, Kent, Maple Valley, Renton, Issaquah, North Bend, Redmond, Sammamish, Snoqualmie, & the Tri-Cities Area of Richland, Pasco, Kennewick, and providing great service for all of your carpet cleaning needs.

Website: www.chem-dry.net/tricities.wa

Tri Cities, WA 99336
Get Directions
Phone: 509-734-1974
Website: chem-dry.net/tricities.wa